Good Vibrations

If, like me, you grew up during the decade (circa 1965–1975) of hippies, Haight-Ashbury, head shops, Flower Power, peace, making love – not war, psychedelic art and music, Mary Quant’s (at the time) daring miniskirts and revolutionary cosmetics, and the Beach Boys picking up good vibrations, then congratulations! You’re already way ahead when it comes to grasping the concepts of universal energy, vibrations, and frequencies. Because as many who belonged to this counterculture youth movement insisted back then, “good vibes” are indeed the name of the game.

In fact, everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even entities (including you) and objects that we typically think of as being solid actually consist of vibrational energy fields. In reality, matter is not solid at all.

“Things feel solid because of the electric force. The atoms of my hand have equal numbers of negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons. A table has the same. The electrons in my hand are repelled by the electrons in the table, but they are attracted by the protons in the table. As a result, if I hold my hand an inch above the table, I feel no force.

“However, if I try to push my hand through the table, the situation changes. Now the atoms of my hand are smashed right up next to the atoms of the table. Atoms keep their electrons on the outside, so the electrons of my hand are pushed up right next to the atoms of the table. As a result, these electrons push away from each other very strongly. The electrons of my hand are attracted to the protons in the table, but those protons are a bit further away, because protons are found in the center of an atom.

“The electron-electron repulsion force is stronger than the electron-proton attraction force because the electrons are much closer together. As a result, I can’t put my hand through a table, no matter how hard I try. The electric force makes the table feel like a solid object, even though it’s mostly empty space.

“Scientific discoveries allow us to see the world around us in strange and surprising ways. Look carefully at a rock, a tree, a table or your hand. Those objects are really just clouds of tiny particles held together by powerful electrical forces. Solid objects are mostly empty space.”[1]

All this energy vibrating at different frequencies covers a wide spectrum of both high and low frequencies and everything in between, “and this is true for the vibrations that occur within our beings too. Lower vibrations of being are associated with disempowering thoughts, negative emotions, poor health and lack of spiritual awareness. Higher vibrations on the other hand, are associated with empowering thoughts, positive emotions, good health and strong spiritual awareness.”[2]

Thus, understanding how energy vibrates, and at what frequencies, is vital to our health and well-being. When our energy is not vibrating properly, is not at its necessary higher frequencies, we become much more vulnerable to stress and disease — and even death.

“In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Tainio has determined that the average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62-68 MHz. A healthy body frequency is 62-72 MHz.”[3] However, the frequency of a spiritual and/or psychically aware person is often much higher, between 92-360 MHz; and once a living being has crossed over, so is no longer weighed down by their physical body, their frequency may well be even higher.

When people do not fall within the same frequency range or cannot synchronize themselves harmonically, then it becomes very difficult, if not impossible, for them to communicate with one another (which is why we really have to make a concerted effort to connect with our Ancestors, for example, who are usually at much higher frequencies than we are). Further, many of us instinctively realize when other people, places, and/or situations, etc., are not good for us. In fact, we often say that we are getting “bad vibes” from them. Subconsciously, we are indeed “tuning in” to their lower frequencies — and when that happens, we need to pay attention, and take steps to safeguard ourselves, to ensure our own health and well-being.

As we can see from the figures just below, it doesn’t take much slippage in the vibration of our energy to compromise our immune system and start us down the road to illness and death:

Colds and Flu start at: 57-60 MHz
Disease starts at: 58 MHz
Candida overgrowth starts at: 55 MHz
Receptive to Epstein Barr at: 52 MHz
Receptive to Cancer at: 42 MHz
Death begins at: 25 MHz

In addition, everything we eat and drink also vibrates at its own frequency. Green juices, for example, can vibrate at a frequency as high as 250 MHz and fresh green vegetables at between 62-65 MHz. But that Big Mac many people chow down on for lunch only vibrates at 5 MHz, while white flour, at 1-2 MHz, is even lower — and all those canned foods on our shelves vibrate at 0 MHz. That’s right: 0 MHz. So they are no help at all when it comes to raising our own vibration.

High-vibration foods include:

Amaranth, Brown Rice, Buckwheat, and Millet
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cold-Pressed Organic Oils (like Avocado, Coconut, Flax, Olive, Sesame, etc.)
Dark Leafy Greens
Fermented Foods (like Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Yogurt, etc.)
Free-Range Eggs
Green Juices
Green Vegetables
Lightly Cooked Vegetables
Mushrooms (like Chaga and Reishi)
Organic Fruits
Raw Dairy
Raw Honey and Maple Syrup
Raw Nuts, Seeds, and Sprouts
Sea Vegetables
Super Foods (like Blueberries, Goji Berries, Spirulina, etc.)
Wild Fish

Low-vibration foods include:

Alcohol, Coffee, Soda
Artificial Sweeteners (Aspartame, Splenda, Sucralose, etc.)
Canned Foods
Canola Oil
Corn-Based Foods (like Corn Flakes, Popcorn, Tortillas, etc.)
Deep-Fried Foods
Factory-Farmed Meats and Other Meat Products
Foods Grown With Pesticides
GMO Foods
Microwaved Foods
Pasturized Dairy
Processed Foods
Processed Sugars
Water Treated With Chlorine and/or Fluoride
Wheat and White Flour

Obviously, the more we eat of the low-vibration foods, the lower the frequency of our own body is going to be. So, besides eating high-vibration foods, what else can we do to help raise our frequency? Below are several different suggestions[4] from Sandy Gallagher, CEO and Co-Founder of the Proctor Gallagher Institute, that you might want to try:


1. Become conscious of your thoughts. Everything you think, say, or feel, becomes your reality. So pay attention to what’s going on in your mind, and take steps to turn things around when appropriate. For example, the next time a negative thought pops into your head, take the time to acknowledge it, ask yourself if the idea is true or if it is beneficial to you, and then dismiss it and turn it around for the positive.

2. Read a high-vibration book. Research, study, and learn every single day. Reading high-vibration books, like Think and Grow Rich, You2, Your Invisible Power, The Science of Getting Rich (and thousands of other books), regularly will not only make you feel better, but will also transform your life.

3. Visualize and meditate. Too often, we rush through our days with a scattered brain, leaving us in a state of chaos and anxiety. Visualization and meditation not only put you in a peaceful state of mind, but they also help attract what you want in life. Just 10 – 15 minutes a day can do wonders for your vibration.

4. Find something beautiful and appreciate it. Beauty is all around us, yet so often, we walk around with blinders on. Stop rushing for a moment, and take the time to look around, or stand in the sun and appreciate your surroundings.

5. Repeat affirmations. Say things that inspire you 100 times a day. They can be simple statements like “I am happy,” “I am prosperous,” or “I am unafraid of change.” You may not believe it yet, but with practice, you will.

6. Set a positive intention before going to bed. Just before you go to sleep at night, set an intention to enjoy the following day. Imagine wonderful things happening from the time you get up until you go to bed. You’ll be amazed at the impact this has on your outlook and experiences.


1. Write down ten things you are grateful for. This is such a beautiful exercise. Making a gratitude list shifts your vibration from focusing on what you don’t have to what is already abundant in your life. And that sends out a message that you want more to be grateful for.

2. Send love to three people who are bothering you. It may not be easy to do at first, but it will lift your spirits and make you feel freer every time you do it.

3. Be kind to others. Practice random acts of kindness. Giving to someone else (without expecting anything in return) shifts your thinking from “I don’t have enough” or “Woe is me,” to “I have more than enough to give to others.” Abundance is a high vibration.

4. Laugh. There is nothing like a good laugh to improve your mood and raise your energetic state. Osho once said, “Life as such has to be taken as a cosmic joke — and then suddenly you relax, because there is nothing to be tense about. And in that very relaxation, something starts changing in you.” Lightheartedness is the best way to approach almost all dilemmas in your life. When you are in a fight or an argument with someone, try to administer a little bit of humor to the situation. It can change the whole energy field of the room. If you are in a negative circle of thinking, refer back to something that made you laugh in the past. It’s never worth it not to be at peace.

5. Listen to music you love. The music shifts your frequency by making you happy.

6. Say something nice to a stranger. Your words matter. Using them to uplift others puts you in a high vibration. Your vibration suffers when you gossip or speak poorly of others.


1. Walk in nature. Our bodies need natural light (sunshine) and natural air. Nature provides harmonic frequencies that are compatible with our personal frequencies. The natural sounds of birds singing and wind moving through the trees help us reduce stress, which in turn elevates our vibrational frequency. If you don’t want to walk, find yourself a patch of earth, and kick your shoes off to reconnect with Mother Earth. She will work her magic.

2. De-clutter your space. Disorganized, untidy, clutter-filled work and living spaces are both a symptom and a source of stress. Clean up the mess, and you’ll ramp up your vibration.

3. Bring in fresh flowers. Flowers in your home instantly improve your mood, and can help you feel less worried and anxious.


1. Be conscious of the foods you eat. You’ve heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” If you want to raise your vibration, eat foods with high frequencies (such as fruits and vegetables). Start paying attention to how certain foods make your body feel.

2. Drink water. Always drink plenty of water to assist your body in flushing out toxicity day to day. Toxicity has a marked impact on our vibration, so we must do what we can to reduce its impact within and around us.

3. Get your blood pumping. The more you move, the higher your vibration goes. So get active. Dance, jog, move your body! Engage in physical activities that give you a thrill of excitement and set your heart to pounding! Take up skydiving, bungee jumping, racing of all kinds, snow- and/or water-skiing, roller-coaster riding, etc.

4. Do yoga or a similar practice that aims to shift your mental vibration.

5. Jump up and down. Research shows that the simple action of jumping excites the cells in the body and makes them healthier.

6. Take a shower or bath to wash off the stress and elevate your vibration.

They’re not on Gallagher’s list, but love, romance, and sex are also sure-fire ways to send our vibrational frequency soaring. Think about that giddy, excited “high” we get when we’re falling in love with someone, have been sent a dozen roses or another unexpected gift by a romantic partner, or have engaged in fantastic sex with a lover.

As we can see, there’s actually a great deal we can do to raise our own frequency. So we need to take a pro-active approach to our health and well-being, and remember that the more health-conscious, grateful, mindful, and spiritual we are, the higher our vibration will be.

APs Rhianwen Bendigaid



[1]Cline, Kelly. “Solid Objects Are Mostly Empty Space,” Independent Record. Web.
[2]“What Is ‘Vibration’?” Bioresonants. Web.
[3]Christianto, Victor. “From Hilbert to Dilbert: A Non-Orthodox Approach to Gravitation, Psychosynthesis, Economics, Cosmology, and Other Issues” p. 182.
[4]Gallagher, Sandy, “15 Ways to Raise Your Vibration.” Proctor Gallagher Institute. Web.

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