Category: Wheels

COFF's Wheel of the Year.

COFF’s Wheel of the Year

Here at COFF, we celebrate an eight-spoked Wheel of the Year, and we employ Old Irish names for all our Solar/Earth Festivals. A few of the reasons why we don’t use the “standard” Wiccan Wheel of the Year at COFF is because: (1) Féth Fíadans aren’t Wiccans; (2) the names of the Wiccan Sabbats are an admixture of Irish (Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain), Welsh (Mabon), and Anglo-Saxon (Ostara, Litha, Yule); and (3) the God Mabon has no genuine historical claim to any Autumn Equinox tradition whatsoever. Rather, he is usually seen by Celtic scholars as being associated with either one or both of the solstices.

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