Category: Magick & Spells

Predicting Winter

When I was a young boy, I was staying at a friend’s house, helping them with work that needed to be done. She was a much older woman who, in reality, could have been my grandmother by age. One day, we were outside working, and she looked up and said, “There is enough blue sky for me to make a Dutchman’s breeches.” Not fully understanding what she was talking about, I was glad when she explained that to determine if the weather is going to break from cloudy and stormy, you look to see how much blue sky is visible, and if there is enough to make a pair of breeches, then the bad weather is moving on and the sun is coming out. On that particular day, it held true.

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Let’s Talk About Potion Bases

A while ago, I blogged about a study we are doing at COFF, which is on potions. One of the first things we talked about was the different alcoholic ingredients that a lot of brews have in them. I decided to share my findings with you, and perhaps you can use them in your BOS if you wish.

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Magickal Cleaning

When we are set upon cleaning, we rarely think of creating a potion to clean with. But in reality, that is what all cleaning products can be. The fact is that they are either a liquid themselves or a concentrate that you add to water. The fact that this country has so many cleaning products to choose from is mindboggling, and what’s worse is that most of those products are toxic. Thankfully, we do have some nontoxic options, as well. Even still, if you are able and willing making your own, that allows you the opportunity to create exactly what you need for every situation — not only to clean on a weekly basis, but you can also change things up to alter and/or enhance the energy for different seasons or festivals or even for a special spell you have been working.

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Magickal Waters

To further our research in a potions study we’re currently engaging in during our Tuesday Tea chats at COFF. we covered magickal waters — which in and of itself is an interesting topic all on its own. When it comes to waters, you have many different options, from moon, to floral, gem and crystal waters, and even colognes. Waters can be used to enhance any of your workings and are very easy to create, to the point that with some waters, you just need to set a jar of water outside.

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Glamour Magicks

I recently attended a talk on glamour magick, a subject we tend to overlook as a very useful tool. The very basic concept of glamouring is to change a person’s perspective. To have them see what you want and not what is there, a temporary mask. Such spells can be used for beautification, with love magicks, for protection, and for other purposes, as well.

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The Evil Eye

The Evil Eye is one of those strange, dangerous, and sometimes mysterious things that can wreak havoc in our lives or give us protection. The Evil Eye is a very real and potentially destructive, damaging curse that can be put on you by someone just by the look they give you. The Evil Eye has been around since the time of ancient Rome and Greece, when it was believed that a person who became too boisterous and full of themselves would be cursed with the evil look of the Gods. Throughout all of history and religions, there is some story of the Evil Eye.

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Wind Chimes.

The Sound of Wind Chimes

Several years ago while heading to an appointment, I passed a home with a large tree in the front yard. A portion of the tree hung over into the street — not a significant amount, just enough for a cool effect. The homeowners had a wonderful idea for giving their home some whimsy. They took metal pieces like those hanging-produce baskets, old cast-iron hanging planters, and the like, and hung them all over the tree. Some people felt that it was gaudy. I didn’t. I thought it was a fun idea, as did my husband.

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Cat's Cauldron


Here at COFF, we have video chats, as I mentioned a while ago when I talked about WitchCrafting BOS. That study has come and gone, and we have moved on to a new BOS study covering potions. These BOS can be their own individual books, or they can be encapsulated into a much larger volume if you wish. These studies are meant to go beyond the basics and help you to create a reference for future use, which I am sure you will always be adding to and changing as you change.

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Salt Lamp.

Prosperity Lamp

Several years ago in a group I was in, we studied Hoodoo. Hoodoo is not a religion; rather, it is a magical practice, a way of life. It originally derived from African spiritual beliefs and throughout history was influenced and modified by Christianity, Pow Wow, Native American spirituality, Irish and Scots spirituality, and other practices and traditions.

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Magickal Alphabets.

Magical Alphabets

One of the many tools in our magickal repertoire are magickal alphabets. Not only can they be used to keep our work secret, but they can also be employed to help us focus on our work. The energy and concentration it takes to write with a magickal alphabet force us to pay close attention to the work.

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