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THE FISHER KING'S WHARF: Arthurian legend and the Avalon Mysteries tell us about the Fisher King, charged with custody of the Holy Grail. A maimed or wounded King, he spent his days fishing, while Champions and Questers traveled from faraway lands to attempt to heal him and what had become his Wasteland kingdom, and to seek the Holy Grail.

The Fisher King's Wharf is composed of our Outer-Court Forums, which are open to the public. Enjoy sightseeing and wandering around the various attractions and sites located at the Fisher King's Wharf, while you prepare to embark upon your own Journey for enlightenment, inspiration, universal truths, and wisdom.

Please remember that the opinions expressed by the persons posting in our Outer-Court Forums are their own and do not necessarily represent those of COFF and/or its students and other members.


Sub-Forums Topics Posts Last Post
The Bubbling Cauldron
The Bubbling Cauldron was forged by the Blacksmith God Gofannon, and its elixir has now been brewing for a year and a day. Give it a stir, and if you're lucky, you may taste three drops of the Goddess Ceridwen's inspiration (Awen), originally intended for her ugly son, Morfrân. Thus fortified, join us! Seek, learn, grow, and be inspired!
Topics: 5 Posts: 5
5 5
In Search of Enlightenment
Like shell seekers on beaches, we all search for something special and meaningful in life. What shells of knowledge and pearls of wisdom are you collecting on your Journey? How do you hope to enrich and enlighten your being? (1/1)
Exploring Celtic Mysticism and Other Spiritual Practices
Join lively, engaging, thought-provoking discussions, and ask questions about Celtic Mysticism, Druidcraft, Druidry, Shamanism, Wicca, & Witchcraft, in general. Exchange ideas, knowledge, and opinions on topics that interest and intrigue you personally. (1/1)
Pagan Philosophies & Practices
What are the philosophies and practices all Pagans share? Seek and celebrate common spiritual ground, the human quest for the purpose of our existence, and for an understanding of our place in the Cosmos. (1/1)
The Path of the Wise
What music do you hear? Is it the drum of the Shaman, the harp of the Bard, or the pipes of the God Pan? Tell us what song called out to you, became your own impetus for the Journey. Are you new to your travels, or did you long ago set your feet upon the Path of the Wise? (0/0)
Tending Mother Earth
Pagans usually place significant emphasis on not only healing themselves, but also on helping to restore the Earth to her own natural ecological balance. Share what you're doing to nurture our planet and environment, so we can all live together in harmony and well-being. (1/1)
The Wheel of the Year
Pagans hold all life sacred, for we recognize that we all sprang from the One, the Fount, the Source of the All. We strive to live in harmony with the Universe and to attune ourselves to Nature and the Earth by marking the turning of the Wheel of the Year. How do you celebrate the Solar, Earth, and Lunar Festivals? (1/1)
The Crane Bag
Druids' crane bags are their spiritual medicine bundles, holding treasures such as their Druid Stone and other objects with special spiritual powers and significance for them. Because Druids rarely, if ever, reveal what's in their crane bags, imagine a mythical one instead. What does it look like? Of what is it fashioned? What might you put in it, and why? Share with us!
Topics: 6 Posts: 6
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Acquiring a Crane Bag
Tell us your suggestions for acquiring or fashioning a Crane Bag or other spiritual medicine bundle. Need it be handcrafted, or is buying it already made perfectly acceptable? What do you think? (1/1)
Animals, Birds, & Totems
Ethically gathered animal and bird bones, claws, feathers, fur, teeth, and totems could all be discovered in a spiritual medicine bundle. Which of these might you use, and why? What healing, magickal, and/or spiritual properties do they have that you value? (1/1)
Candles, Incense, & Smudges
A spiritual medicine bundle might hold candles for Candle Magick; incense for healing, magickal, or spiritual reasons; or fumigation bundles for saining Sacred Space prior to performing rituals or spellwork. Share your own ideas for utilizing fire and smoke. (1/1)
Crystals, Gems, Stones, Minerals, & Metals
Crystals, gems, stones, minerals, & metals have always been prized for their healing, magickal, and spiritual properties; and they are often found in a spiritual medicine bundle. How do you use them in your own personal practice? Which are your favorites, and why? (0/0)
Essential Oils, Philters, & Potions
What would a spiritual medicine bundle be without at least a few essential oils, philters, or potions? What essential oils do you prefer, and why? What kinds of philters and potions do you enjoy creating and working with? (0/0)
Flowers, Herbs, Plants, & Trees
Flowers, herbs, plants, roots, bark, leaves, and twigs might all make their way into a spiritual medicine bundle. Do you heal with herbs or perform Herbal Magick? What species of flowers, herbs, plants, and/or trees are special to you, and why? (1/1)
Shells, Sponges, Starfish, & Other Sea Treasures
A spiritual medicine bundle might contain shells, sponges, or other treasures from the sea. Are seashells and the like meaningful to you? If so, how do you incorporate them into your own personal spiritual practice? (1/1)
Tools for Divination
Druids practiced the Art of Divination, so tools for that might be tucked into a spiritual medicine bundle. Do you cast Ogam staves or read Tarot cards? What methods do you use to see the guideposts of the future? (1/1)
The Magick Net
Yes, that's Magick with a "k," to distinguish it from the magic performed by illusionists. In our opinion, it helps avoid confusion, but it won't bother us if you choose to go "k"-less. Many Pagans believe that the Universe is connected by an invisible but extremely powerful net, and that when we practice Magick, we send our energy along it. When you weave your Magick Net or cast your Magick Spell, what do you hope to catch? Tell us here!
Topics: 4 Posts: 4
Last Post: A Triskele Chant
4 4
Blessings, Chants, & Invocations
Do you have a morning and/or an evening blessing that you like to say? A favorite chant or a special invocation? Tell us what words move your spirit and connect you with the Divine. (3/3)
Magickal Workings
All the fisher folk here at the Fisher King's Wharf practice Fishers' Magick. What Magickal Workings associated with the sea do you most often perform? Share your favorites with us, and explain how you intend their goals to manifest in your life. (1/1)
Spellcrafters R Us
Are you great at crafting spells, or do you need help with your intent, correspondences, a particular type of spell, or wording? Offer assistance and suggestions to others, or ask questions about spellcrafting and all its components here. (0/0)

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Topics: 1,088   Posts: 3,300  