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The Magick Net: Yes, that's Magick with a "k," to distinguish it from the magic performed by illusionists. In our opinion, it helps avoid confusion, but it won't bother us if you choose to go "k"-less. Many Pagans believe that the Universe is connected by an invisible but extremely powerful net, and that when we practice Magick, we send our energy along it. When you weave your Magick Net or cast your Magick Spell, what do you hope to catch? Tell us here!

The Magick Net

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Blessings, Chants, & Invocations
Do you have a morning and/or an evening blessing that you like to say? A favorite chant or a special invocation? Tell us what words move your spirit and connect you with the Divine.
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Last Post: A Triskele Chant
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Magickal Workings
All the fisher folk here at the Fisher King's Wharf practice Fishers' Magick. What Magickal Workings associated with the sea do you most often perform? Share your favorites with us, and explain how you intend their goals to manifest in your life.
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Spellcrafters R Us
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