This Disclaimer, our Terms & Conditions of Use, and our Privacy Policy govern your access to and use of the Celtic Order of the Féth Fíada (hereinafter “COFF”) website, whether you are a tuition-paying student, an individual-course student, a member of any kind (including administrators, super moderators and moderators, and course creators, teachers, and/or facilitators), a registered user of our Public Forums, or simply a guest at our website.
Please read this Disclaimer carefully before you use the COFF website. In addition, before using this website, please read our Terms & Conditions of Use and our Privacy Policy ( By using this website and/or by clicking/signing to accept or agree to the Terms & Conditions of Use when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by this Disclaimer. If you do not want to agree to our Terms & Conditions of Use and our Privacy Policy, then you must not access or use this website.
First and foremost, all of the written content, images, videos, and any other resources here at the COFF website are for educational, informational, holistic, spiritual, and entertainment purposes only. This website is not intended to provide, and does not constitute, any financial, legal, medical, and/or other professional advice.
While we make every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the COFF website, neither COFF, nor any of its owners, administrators, super moderators or moderators, or course creators, teachers, and/or facilitators shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions on this website, nor for any damages, injuries, death, or other harm you may suffer as a result of failing to seek competent financial, legal, medical, and/or any other such professional advice from one or more licensed providers who are familiar with your situation and needs.
Although our tuition-paying students, individual-course students, other members, and registered users of our forums are free to discuss financial, legal, medical, and/or any other such professional-related topics in our public and private forums, and to provide their own insights and experiences with same, their posts are subjective and do not represent COFF. Therefore, no forum post or other website comment should be considered financial, legal, medical, and/or any such professional advice from a licensed provider. Thus, if you require such, you are wholly and solely responsible for obtaining actual professional advice from one or more licensed providers who are familiar with your situation and needs.
Divination Guild:
All Divinatory Readings here at COFF are intended to offer insight into a person’s personal life and are meant for spiritual guidance and entertainment purposes only. They do not in any way, shape, or fashion constitute any financial, legal, medical, or other professional advice. By engaging our divination services, you understand, accept, and agree that COFF does not function as a financial advisor, an attorney, a physician or psychiatrist/ psychologist, or any other such professional, and that we will not be held responsible for any injury, death, or other harm resulting from one of our Divinatory Readings, whether due to ignorance, negligence, recklessness, misinterpretation, misrepresentation, or any other such circumstance.
COFF’s diviners read what they see, and they make their interpretations and draw their conclusions based on their own best intuition and psychic abilities. Even so, what they see are only guideposts and snapshots along the Path, and not all diviners are created equal. Some are naturally more skilled and talented than others, and/or more experienced at divination. COFF students learning the Art of Divination practice on our Divination Practicum board, where you may seek readings and provide feedback as to their perceived accuracy. Further, Time is fluid and ever-changing, so the future is never written in stone. Thus, all future outcomes are always based on potentials, possibilities, and probabilities, as well as on your own actions and/or inactions, and the actions and/or inactions of other people, also, due to your/their interpretation about what was said at the time of the services, and afterward. Therefore, you understand, accept, and agree that there is no guarantee of the accuracy of any Divinatory Reading here at COFF, whether by an experienced Diviner or by one who is in the process of learning Divination.
Engaging the services of one or more of COFF's diviners constitutes your understanding and acceptance of, and your agreement to, this Disclaimer.
Healing Guild:
The healing content on the COFF website is designed solely to support --- not to interfere with nor to replace --- any conventional Western medical and/or psychiatric/psychological treatment. Although COFF has several different boards dedicated to a variety of alternative medicines/therapies, it should be recognized and understood that these are for educational, informational, holistic, and spiritual purposes only. Alternative medicines/therapies share in common the fact that they reside outside of conventional Western medical science; thus, they may be deemed by scientists and licensed health-care practitioners as pseudoscience or otherwise unproven and/or ineffective.
Here at COFF, we do not diagnose medical or psychiatric/psychological conditions. Nor do we prescribe medicines or other such substances, dietary/nutritional programs, and/or other medical or psychiatric/ psychological treatments; nor do we offer any prognoses for such conditions. Further, we do not interfere with any of the aforementioned ordered, recommended, or diagnosed by any licensed physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, or other licensed health-care practitioners.
Rather, the healing provided here at COFF is largely holistic, metaphysical, and spiritual in nature, and involves the utilization of blessings, candles and clooties, prayers, and divine magickal and spiritual healing energies to assist the healing processes of your own body. For this reason and others, our healing sessions are complementary to --- not a substitute for --- conventional Western medical and/or psychiatric/psychological diagnoses, prescriptions, dietary/nutritional programs, and/or other medical or psychiatric/psychological treatments. Further, the vast majority of our healers are not licensed physicians or otherwise licensed health-care practitioners. Although some may be trained herbalists, the vast majority are primarily magickal and/or spiritual healers, empaths, energy workers, grid workers, lightworkers, transmuters, and other such healers.
Therefore, if you believe that you have a medical and/or psychiatric/psychological condition, it is vitally important that you seek professional health care, and you are most strongly advised and urged by COFF to do so.
All COFF students are wholly and solely responsible for their own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, as well as for their own behavior and emotional responses to healing sessions, lessons, meditations, rituals, shadow work, shamanic journeying/trance work, spellcasting, and other such metaphysical or spiritual practices engaged in here at COFF. It should be recognized and understood that some of these practices can sometimes act as “triggers” for emotional issues that students have yet to confront, work through, and resolve. Internal support from COFF's Arch Priestess, Leadership Councilors, teachers, moderators and facilitators, and fellow students is always available and provided. However, if you require external support from a licensed physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other any other licensed health-care practitioner, please take steps to ensure that you obtain it and have it firmly in place for yourself.
If you are experiencing a medical and/or psychiatric/psychological emergency, please call an ambulance, and/or seek immediate help and care from a licensed heath-care practitioner, hospital, or the nearest emergency center.
Crystal Guild:
Crystals/stones, crystal energies, and crystal healing should not be considered a substitute for conventional Western medical treatment. While it is widely believed by many people that crystals and stones possess one or more healing properties --- either physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual --- and while crystals/stones, crystal energies, and crystal healing have historically been used to treat medical conditions, this does not guarantee that you will experience or benefit from any such properties. Using, wearing, or otherwise employing crystals/stones for purposes of crystal energies and/or crystal healing does not mean that you can prevent, treat, or cure any disability or disease.
Therefore, all crystal healing should be performed with the recognition and understanding that it is part of a complementary, holistic treatment plan, and that all alternative medicines/therapies share in common the fact that they reside outside of conventional Western medical science; thus, they may be deemed by scientists and licensed health-care practitioners as pseudoscience or otherwise unproven and/or ineffective. In addition, although COFF has several different boards dedicated to the materia medica of a variety of crystals and stones, it should be recognized and understood that these are for educational, informational, holistic, and spiritual purposes only, and that the use of crystals and stones as a wellness therapy is one of personal choice. It is not a replacement for conventional Western medical treatment, nor does COFF advise or recommend such.
Herbalism Guild:
Flowers/herbs/fungi, plant energies, and botanical healing should not be considered a substitute for conventional Western medical treatment. While it is widely believed by many people that flowers, herbs, and fungi possess one or more healing properties --- either physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual --- and while flowers/herbs/fungi, plant energies, and botanical healing have historically been used to treat medical conditions, this does not guarantee that you will experience or benefit from any such properties.
Yes, in the hands of trained herbalists, botanical healing can indeed be safe and efficacious. However, just because something is natural doesn’t mean that it won’t harm you. Just like drugs and supplements, natural remedies, too, can have dangerous side effects. There are many flowers, herbs, and fungi that can not only make you sick, but that also range from the mildly poisonous to the extremely deadly. Further, some perfectly safe flowers, herbs, and fungi may be mistakenly (or even deliberately) confused with ones that are harmful and/or lethal.
For instance, in 2009, several children at the Gorseland Primary School in Martlesham Heath, England, were poisoned (at least twelve were taken to hospital) when a daffodil bulb was accidentally dug up and included with onions from their kitchen garden, used to make soup for a class project. In 2012, ten members of the Chinese immigrant community in Bristol, England, were poisoned and hospitalized after they ingested daffodil stalks by mistake, having confused them with chives. Over the years, hundreds of people and animals have been poisoned by daffodils, all parts of which are highly toxic.
This is just one example. There are many others. Deathcap and destroying-angel mushrooms (both of which are almost invariably fatal if ingested) are often mistaken for edible mushrooms (deathcap mushrooms account for more than 90% of all fungi-related poisoning deaths in Europe). Water hemlock is frequently mixed up with watercress, as well --- with lethal results. And the list goes on....
Thus, it is vitally important that when it comes to flowers, herbs, and fungi, you DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE! Please be 100% certain of your identification before you harvest any plant or mushroom, especially when wild foraging. In addition, in some cases, even when properly identified, a food new to you can cause an unusual reaction, ranging from gastric intolerance to a full-blown allergic reaction resulting in anaphylactic shock. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are actually harvesting only properly safe and edible plants and mushrooms, and it is also your choice and decision to try any new food.
Neither COFF, nor any of its owners, administrators, super moderators or moderators, or course creators, teachers, and/or facilitators shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions on this website, nor for any damages, injuries, death, or other harm you may suffer as a result of misidentifications of or allergic reactions to plants and fungi. Although we try our utmost best to provide useful and accurate information at this website, we cannot offer any guarantees that it is constantly updated and error-free. Ultimately, you are wholly and solely responsible for your own health, and thus for researching and verifying all information before relying on it.
Further, just like conventional Western medicine, the field of herbal medicine is vast and complex, so COFF cannot predict how any herbal remedy will affect you. People react differently to different treatments, and a number of herbs are contraindicated for use with various pharmaceutical drugs, as well. So please consult a licensed physician or other licensed health-care provider before employing any herbal treatment, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call an ambulance, and/or seek immediate help and care from a licensed heath-care practitioner, hospital, or the nearest emergency center.
Have questions? Please let us know in the Inquiring Minds Want to Know subforum of this board: