EVERYDAY MAGICKAL SPELLWEAVING: This class is about weaving Magick, obviously. But it is even more about discovering how each one of us IS Magick. By using ourselves, developing our connections with the energy of the world and the infinite, we come to realize that Magick is in our very breath and life. Using simple ingredients, along with simple techniques and exercises, we can uncover some unique threads that transform the way we react to the world. Then everything is clearer for us, and of course, Magick becomes familiar and even more awe inspiring. If you wish to take a look at the bare bones of energy work and search for spells that work because they are loaded with your intention, join us! Remember, though, that you may discover that simple magick is more powerful than you thought! Blessings of the weaving of Light.

*Extension classes are free for all tuition-paying students.